(A client testimonial for how Topical CBD could be deemed the most relaxing way to embrace CBD.)

I’m always on the hunt for a good workout, but with a good workout comes the proper pre-workout and post-workout regime. In the beginning of March, I decided it was time to up my cardio and break away from my body being used to its low-intensity cardio days. While I am a consistent gym-goer, I often find that the repetition does not push my body to new limits. Enter, kickboxing. Kickboxing awakened muscles in my body that I did not even know existed. This led me to a new problem, living with the sore muscles and a build-up of lactic acid in my body post-workout.

While at my favorite local CBD store, TerraSol in Menomonee Falls, I saw a CBD bath bomb for meant to relax muscles and calm your body. I immediately grabbed one and knew I just had to wait for the perfect post-workout moment to test it out.

Luckily for me, that night finally came after a particularly intense kickboxing session and a 2-mile run the day prior. As with any bath bomb, half the fun is the unboxing and fizzing 3-minutes when you toss the compacted ball of remedy into the steaming bathwater. What I immediately noticed was the small swirls of an oil-like surface covering the water. Showing that the amount of CBD packed into the product was truly enough to produce a visible effect. When I got in I could feel the oil take to my skin, this provided a moisturizing, although quite slippery, experience. This did help remind me later to be careful when stepping out so that I would not fall. The light peppermint scent of the bath bomb was relaxing and not overpowering. When sleeping that night I was calm and was in a deep sleep, whether this was from the CBD experience, or from exerting too much energy at the gym, I am not sure. Overall, my experience with a topical CBD product was both enjoyable and provided me with a relaxing experience that soothed my mind and my muscles.

The next product that I am looking to try will be the TerraSol Whole Spectrum CBD Lotion with 1000mg of CBD.  

The bath bombs can be found here: https://www.terrasolbrands.com/product/cbd-bath-bomb/69?cp=true&qs=true&vfd=true

And come in lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint.

Described as revitalizing, soothing, uplifting, and relaxing. 100mg CBD in each 5oz Bath Bomb. They provide the perfect relaxing bath experience for someone looking for a little something special to add to their routine.

FDA Disclosure Statement: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Aren’t Bath bombs your thing? TerraSol’s experts would be happy to speak to you and find a product that suits all of your needs. Visit their storefront in Menomonee Falls or their online store to search for products and learn more.